Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


Sjeničko-Pešterska visoravan


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Dear friends!

If we feel indebted to the future, let us try to showcase bright examples from the past in a dignified way and lead our future generations to behave honorably.

I welcome all your ideas and efforts towards realisation of concept, vision, project development, building, use and upkeep of abovementioned mission.

Read the full text .



Extract from Strategy for revival of villages (and cities) on territory of Stari Vlah, Jadovnik, Javor, Golija, Giljeva, Ninaja and Pester plateau



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Dear friends!

I have good news! At the end of 2015 and start of 2016, on St. Nicholas day, I founded

Endowment "Jovo Lojanica Stupljanin"

on the territory of Raska region.

Historical and current circumstances of Raska region which distinguish it from other areas are:

Unfortunately, due to faulty planning and development this great region became one of the poorest in Serbia, which young generations massively leave in search for a better life. Nevertheless, Raska region has a great potential to attract most notable people to visit or live there, where elite tourism can be developed and healthy, organic food can be produced.

A personal endowment was founded with mission to bring a dignified life to all people living on this territory and the following vision to educate local people to:



And establish relationships:


Following positive examples of our ancestors, this is yet another in my efforts to repay my country and my people for everything I am blessed with in this world.

I am happy that God has given me a lot of energy and love that I want to pass onto entire society and not only my direct descendants. In achieving this goal I expect to have support of many diligent, well-meaning and responsible people.

Dear contemporaries, dear descendants,

Welcome to the endeavor of strengthening Raska region and hence, whole Serbia!


Caricina, 31.12.2015.