- Improving infrastructure (roads, water, electricity).
- Building hotels, hostels, restaurants and similar objectsto receive tourists, hikers, and be an attractive destination for expert, cultural and other gatherings.
- Helping inhabitants to reach international standards and get certification in organic production, products with geographic origin such by sharing knowledge, organizing and gathering resources, building objects and similar.
- Building small production facilities for processing, packing and warehousing of finished goods.
- Creating small educational centers in villages where people could learn how to better live and work.
- Cleaning and protecting environment from waste, unlawful building, and pollution.
- Organizing libraries with focus on topics which are of special interest and useful for inhabitants of rural areas.
- Connecting with well developed villages/cities to allow business cooperation.
- Motivating inhabitants who moved away from villages to return to their hometowns, as also other people to move to our region and live here.
To reach the above mentioned goals, much funding is needed, which could be secured with help of state institutions, funds, benefactors from Serbia or abroad.
If we worked in an organized fashion, with support of an advisory coordination body, we could commence with positive change immediately. Full effects and revival could be seen in 3-5 years.
Mr Jovo Lojanica Stupljanin, dipl.ing.